About Breathe To Heal book by Sasha Yakovleva
This book contains comprehensive instructions on the Buteyko Breathing Normalization method based on the discovery by Dr. Buteyko in 1952 in Russia. Since then, this commonly called Buteyko technique has undergone many trials, and its benefits became known in the USA and all over the world. It has helped countless people to reduce or eliminate their breathing problems and become healthier and more energetic. Learn Buteyko Breathing Normalization from its original source. This book is written by K. P. Buteyko, MD-PhD, the author of the Buteyko Method, A.E. Novozhilov, MD, Medical Director of Clinica Buteyko in Moscow and Sasha Yakovleva, co-founder of BreathingCenter.com It also contains many stories of people who tried to improve their breathing in order to tame their asthma. This is the most unique, original, and comprehensive book about breathing and Dr. Buteyko's work regarding its improvement.What is so special about this book?
- Texts written by K.P. Buteyko MD-PhD are published for the first time in history!
- Contains interviews with A. E. Novozhilov MD and I. J. Packman MD, which helps to understand why and how Buteyko Breathing Normalization works.
- A famous article by Jane E. Brody (The New York Times) about the Breathing Center is included!
- Illustrated guide. The drawings make various aspects of the Method far easier to apply.
- Contains a unique collection of breathing exercises and lifestyle recommendations not only for adults but for children as well.
- Composed by Sasha Yakovleva, co-founder of BreathingCenter.com and an Advanced Breathing Normalization Specialist. She helped thousands of people to improve their breathing.
- Includes testimonials from Breathing Center's actual students of the Breathing Center who have gone from suffocation and fear to a healthy and active lifestyle.
- This publication is destined to become a "Gold Standard" Book for all students and teachers alike who apply Dr. Buteyko's revolutionary approach to breathing and health improvement.
- This is the only book in English, which is endorsed by Clinica Buteyko in Moscow and recommended to everyone who wishes to improve their breathing and overall well-being - whether you have asthma or not!